As more and more Americans are being forced to get the COVID-19 vaccine, religious exemptions are on the rise, given the various vaccines’ connection to the use of aborted fetal cell tissue in their development and/or testing. This article will investigate this issue in depth, and explain the truth about the use of aborted fetuses in vaccine manufacturing.
Author Archives: IDBHD
Mandelbrot, Fractal Geometry, & The Language of Creation
The Conception of the Church
The Great Sign of Revelation 12
Why Christians Must Vote – Your Silence is Consent
The Bronze Serpent
I’ve often wondered, why would God order His people to gaze upon an idol of bronze in order to attain their salvation from death? Once I understood it, it really opened up my eyes to the truth and glory of God’s Word!
Does the Bible Describe a Flat Earth? The Answer Will Surprise You
Flat earthism (FE) has reemerged with passionate momentum as of late – especially in Christian circles. No longer relegated to the dregs of society – FE has been reintroduced, and accepted, by a broad contingent of believers here in the 21st century. Many Bible believers are emphatically stating that the Bible is a “flat earth book”; and since they rightly believe the Bible is the Word of the Living God, they are unwilling to budge on the topic.
Flat Earth Ruse: Debunking Mark Sargent
Somewhere in the 18th and 19th centuries, a new flat earth doctrine was established and adopted by certain members of society, and has remained on the fringes ever since. With advances in science, technology, and exploration in the 20th and now 21st centuries, these people are extremely few and far between – until now. Let’s investigate some of the claims made by leading flat earth apologist Mark Sargent.
Hebrew Roots Movement: A Spiraling Doctrine of Deception
The most concerning evolution that HRM has experienced, is a bolder and more brazen proclamation that Jesus Christ is not divine, and is not God. This position has been suspected of by HRM watchdogs and skeptics, but has traditionally been carefully avoided and answered in ambiguous ways, as not to indict the HRM respondent. However, lately it seems that it is no longer necessary to be vague when addressing this issue, and HRM purity can be preserved while denying the divinity of Christ.
Orlando Nightclub Massacre: A Christian Response to Steven Anderson
A Christian response to Pastor Steven Anderson regarding his comments in the wake of the Orlando nightclub terrorist attack
The Truth about Channeled Messages
As the truth seems to get more and more diluted with every passing day, giving way to doctrines of man and devil alike, let us examine another resurgent phenomenon being promulgated among the self-proclaimed “spiritually sensitive” out there – channeled messages.
A Response to Hebrew Roots – Matthew 5:17-18
One of the key passages upheld by Hebrew Roots apologists feature the words of Christ Himself in Matthew 5:17-18. Let’s take a look at this passage, and break it down so that we can see and understand what is truly being said here by our Lord.
The “Displacement Theology” of Hebrew Roots
As we have discussed recently, the Hebrew Roots (HRM) doctrine holds a different view. One could summarize it as a form of “reverse replacement theology” where it is Israel who displaces the church. The HRM teaches that Gentiles who become saved must abide by the laws of Moses established by the Sinaitic or the Mosaic covenant. This view is equally flawed as compared to replacement theology. The term we have established for clarity is “Displacement Theology” to describe this view.
Hebrew Roots Movement (HRM) – Spiritual Awakening or Heresy?
Several new (old?) doctrines have begun taking new life among the Christian community, and have caught fire in some circles, being hailed as a modern spiritual awakening of sorts. Among these, is the Hebrew Roots doctrine. As with any doctrine, only holding it against the light of scriptural scrutiny can tell us whether it is sound, or false teaching.
Anti Discrimination or Anti Freedom? A Look at RFRA
It’s typically not the aim of this blog to engage in the roiling cauldron of current social dialogue; however, the implications of the fallout in the wake of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) signed into law by Governor Mike Pence last week demands addressing.
The Most Dangerous Element of Islam is not Terrorism
As the world watches the aftermath of the recent Islamic terrorist attack in Paris, the latest installment of such attacks courtesy of a faith known more for its blood lust than its goodwill, a similar theme has emerged within the worldwide media.
Where the Carcass is… A Strange Prophecy
A strange and interesting prophecy is uttered by Jesus in Matthew 24:28, that has been the subject of much scholarly debate and conjecture: “For wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together.”
Mark of the Beast Technology is Not What You Think
For centuries, readers of the Bible have pondered the mark of the beast and his number 666. Today, innovation closes in on what this really is.
The Immaculate Deception – Why I Don’t Think Catholicism is Christianity
This article will demonstrate why I believe that when it is said that a third of the Earth’s population is Christian, it is in reality much less than that. Such a loose definition of Christianity attempts to be inclusive of beliefs that do not comply with God’s Word.
One Nation Under… What? The Great Seal and America’s Founding | Part 1
From an early age, we are taught the idea that America was founded on Christian principles and reverence to God. However, it is becoming more and more evident that this was not the case. Consider what the Great Seal reveals about America’s roots.
Sons of Seth or Fallen Angels? by Doug Hamp
The notion that Genesis 6 ‘sons of God‘ is a reference to ‘the sons of Seth’ is surprisingly popular despite the fact that the Bible is replete with evidence that the sons of God in Genesis 6:1-4 were fallen angels…
Ancient Aliens versus Fallen Angels & Nephilim
If you’re familiar with the History Channel’s hit television show Ancient Aliens, then you have been exposed to ancient alien theory. Interestingly, as this show’s popularity grows, so has awareness in the subject of the nephilim. Are these two subjects interconnected?
Open Letter to The Berean Call
Recently, on the radio show Search the Scriptures 24/7, a broadcast of the The Berean Call, the ministry of the late Dave Hunt, host Tom McMahon was joined by Sarah Leslie of Discernment Ministries, and writer and editor of the blog Herescope to discuss the nephilim of Genesis 6. What ensued was a lengthy diatribe roundly criticizing teachers such as Dr. Chuck Missler, L.A. Marzulli, Tom Horn, and others…
Bible Secrets Revealed: A New History Channel Series
The History Channel has unveiled its new series, Bible Secrets Revealed, which will premiere Monday November 11 at 10PM.
This intriguing title would have one hoping to tune in to find biblical secrets that had previously alluded them in their studies.